
A Penn State sports blog whose title is a subtle reference to the drinking culture that supplements a college town’s football problem.

10 Responses to About

  1. Ara says:

    your blog is pretty cool. My blog is onthebuzzer.com, do you wanna exchange links. If so, email me @ serp33@aol.com.

  2. Hey — very nice site you’ve got going here. Since you’re obviously a big Penn State fan and supporter, I was wondering if you’d want to check out Safeguard Old State, a student-alumni based advocacy group for honoring and protecting our traditions as Penn Staters.

    Check out the site and let me know what you think!

  3. the other t's dad says:

    Just a quick hello from another of the 50 hopelessly misguided Penn State basketball fans.

    This is a pretty funny blog! It must be a pleasant break from reading case law (what wouldn’t be?). Anyhow, best wishes from State College.

  4. Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it and I’m glad you find this blog as a quality time-waster.

    I’m going to be back in State College from mid-December through early January so I will definitely make a few trips over to the BJC to see the team in action. In the meantime, take care of yourself…

  5. chris says:

    Are you interested in doing a link exchange with Pennstatedansite.com — thank you.

  6. laclips says:

    Hey there. love the blog. I recently added your blog on my page and was wondering if you will do the same. Thanks… and Go Lions!


  7. Thanks for the kind words Lee, I’ve added you to my blogroll as of right now. Glad to know I have confirmed readers of this site!

  8. Ross says:

    Perhaps you can help in getting the word out on this:

    Ok, I am sick of this.

    PSU will have a game in a couple of weeks against Iowa on the Big Ten Network and as a resident of NYC forced to subscribe to Time Warner Cable, I will ONCE AGAIN have to go to a bar to watch the game. I am sick of paying $6 for beers while watching my team compete for a MNC.

    So, I urge all of you, even if you aren’t suffering like I am to email the following Time Warner executives and DEMAND that they make the deal happen in NYC:

    Howard Szarfarc is Executive Vice President of Time Warner Cable’s New York City region – howard.szarfarc@twcable.com

    Melinda Witmer
    Executive VP, Chief Programming Officer
    Time Warner Cable melinda.witmer@twcable.com

    Back at the end of August, Time Warner reached a deal to broadcast the Network in the “Big Ten States” and that they would be “evaluating whether to carry the games locally in NYC”

    http://www.timewarnercable.com/nynj/Programming/Bi gTenNetwork.html

    The last I heard from Howard, this is what he had to say:

    “The attached press release specifically references the “Big ten territory” which does not include NYC. I understand that discussions are continuing regarding the remaining markets.”

    Before the deal got done in Big Ten Country, President of the Big Ten Network Mark Silverman had the following to say:

    http://media.www.dailyillini.com/media/storage/pap er736/news/2007/11/09/News/Big-Ten.Ceo.Discusses.F rustration.With.Local.Cable.Company-3090711.shtml

    “DI: So what exactly is the problem? Why can’t you get anything done?

    MS: There are basically four large cable companies that represent 65 percent of the area that are saying ‘no’ to us. And I believe that at some point, whether it’s through a local politician or consumer outrage, something needs to get them to try to carry the network and negotiate. Because right now they’re not talking to us. Not at all. There’s not anything that’s close to happening.

    It’s one thing to negotiate and not be there yet. But we’re not. We’re not negotiating. We keep coming up with a list of things and they’re not interested in trying to do the deal. They keep saying if we’re looking for expanded basic cable, it’s not going to happen. That’s what’s so infuriating. ”

    Notice that Mark mentions “consumer outrage”. It is about that time, fellow Penn Staters, I beg you – please email the above Time Warner executives and show the power that Penn State alumni have in the New York City and New Jersey area. I really don’t want to wake up and go to a bar at 11:45 AM in three weeks to watch the game on the Big Ten Network against Iowa.

    Thanks to everyone who shoots off a quick email.

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