I Got Rose Bowl Tickets And I Ji$$ed In My Pants…

That’s right, thanks to knowing friends who have other friends in high places, Yours Truly has managed to snag himself a ticket to Pasadena.  Not sure yet where I’ll be sitting, but that doesn’t matter so much as just being there, period.  This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I’ll finally be able to scratch off my ‘bucket list.’

Speaking of climaxes:  Kevin Newsome will announce his college decision tomorrow and his final three schools are down to Penn State, Virginia Tech, and Boston College. Additionally, there’s been a lot of jibber-jabber on the message boards and blogs about insider info claiming Newsome is a PSU lean, especially now that Pat Devlin is dearly departed.

Now, I’m not one who prematurely celebrates over rumors on the internets but I found one particular post from a Black Shoe Diaries poster that was quite encouraging:

As I said earlier today, all my VT coworkers came in to work mad at me today. They’ve all heard over the weekend that Newsome has swung our way with Devlin’s transfer. And some of these people are the type with subscription info.

Cross those fingers…Hopefully this time tomorrow evening, the message boards will for once be full of anything but “the sky is falling!” posts.

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